So this is how it all ends, crashing on a rock in the middle of nowhere? Merken gritted his teeth. “Who shot my ship? I want a return volley before we crash.” Force fields prevented them from getting sucked out into deep space. The captain looked out the broken windscreen. “Emergency power and life support functioning. We’re the Ensign Moore climbed back up in his seat.

“Who shot my ship? I want a return volley before we crash.” “No bogeys in the area, Captain.

We are not holding orbit, Sir.” The captain looked out the broken windscreen. Shortly afterwards, the Republic launched a counterattack on the yahg stronghold at Ket'osh, resulting in the destruction of the yahg's sensor arrays and the beginning of open warfare.Ensign Moore climbed back up in his seat. The war officially began in 2197 CE when the Yahg Empire invaded the human colony world Horizon in the Attican Traverse. While the yahg sought to conquer the galaxy, the Interstellar Republic unified to defend the galaxy as they had done eleven years prior. The Great Galactic War, also known as the Republic―Yahg conflict, Yahg War, Parnack Conflict, and known to the yahg as the War of the Cosmic Imperative, was a brief, yet devastating, power struggle fought between the Interstellar Republic and the Yahg Empire which arose following the Cold War after the actions of several powerful individuals caused open warfare to break out. This war you started is just the beginning, but we're the ones who are going to finish it." ―Emperor Jornock and John Shepard Because every word that came out of your mouth was wrong. Jornock: " The galaxy is ours for the taking, as it is deemed necessary by the Cosmic Imperative! Once you are dead, human, the Republic and all your worlds will fall to our might! This was is over !" John Shepard: " How unfortunate for you.