Unlike in the first game, where Anomalies could only be investigated by the population of the planet they afflict, the sequel allows them to be investigated by scout ships. While exploration is still performed by having a ship wander the game's starlanes, the game's Anomalies are now a major minigame.You can manipulate which parties get into power to some extent: almost every in-game action (researching a topic, building an improvement, fighting a battle) increases the prominence of one of these six parties. but the laws you may choose from are determined by which parties have supremacy after the election, and the parties are affected by your empire's ethnic makeup and the Planet of Hats each minority comes from. After elections, you get to pass laws, which give you various gameplay buffs.

There is a Government system in the game with several different government types and six major parties (Industrialists, Scientists, Pacifists, Ecologists, Religious, Militarists).